

Sunday, May 23, 2021

       Проектна робота "Американська їжа"

На уроках англійської мови учні 11 класу Чортківської гімназії з особливою цікавістю вивчають країнознавчий матеріал. Метою проектної роботи "Американська їжа" було ознайомити учнів з традиційними стравами американської кухні і навчитися їх готувати. Під час виконання проекту, діти провели дослідницьку роботу, знайомлячись з рецептами страв, вивчаючи харчові звички американців і навіть спробували приготувати страви, які їм найбільше сподобалися. Результати дослідження учні виклали у презентації Power Point. 

"Уроки країнознавства - мої улюблені! Адже на них я знайомлюся з англомовними країнами              зсередини, а не просто вивчаю мову. Сьогодні навчилася готувати млинці, і чесно кажучи, мої друзі були просто в захваті." Ярина Хлібович

"Не повірите, але сьогоднішній урок англійської мови, напевно, найцікавіший у моєму житті. Ми  дізналися рецепти американських страв, приготували їх і, навіть спробували разом з друзями. Це просто супер!"  Наталя Когут


Monday, March 22, 2021

                              My job experience,2021

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

 St. Patrick's Day

Bring out your green! St. Patrick’s Day—observed every March 17—is packed with parades, good luck charms, and all things green. The event started as a religious holiday, but over time it’s become a celebration of Irish culture.

St. Patrick was a real person, but some of the traditions associated with him and the holiday are actually myths. For instance, you’ll often see the four-leaf clover on St. Patrick’s Day. However, according to legend, Patrick used a three-leaf clover, or shamrock, as part of his teachings. 

The fact that Ireland is an island means that the nation is sometimes called the Emerald Isle. But the color that people originally associated with St. Patrick was blue! Green was finally introduced to St. Patrick’s Day festivities in the 18th century, when the shamrock became a national symbol. Because of the shamrock’s popularity and Ireland’s landscape, the color stuck to the holiday.

Green is also the color that mythical fairies called leprechauns. Leprechauns are actually one reason you’re supposed to wear green on St. Patrick’s Day—or risk getting pinched! Some people also think sporting the color will bring good luck, and others wear it to honor their Irish ancestry. Another tradition includes many Irish-American people eating corned beef and cabbage on St. Patrick's Day. People also gather to watch parades of traditional Irish dancers and musicians as they march through city streets. However you celebrate, here’s hoping it’s a lucky day!

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

                     An awesome present from my dear student!

                           "Just to say thank you", she said. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

          Taras Shevchenko's poem "My Testament"

            Taras Shevchenko

              MY TESTAMENT

("Zapovit" / “Iak umru, to pokhovaite”

"Заповіт" / "Як умру, то поховайте") 

Translated by Alexander Jardine Hunter 

When J die, remember, lay me

Lowly in the silent tomb, 

Where the prairie stretches free, 

Sweet Ukraine, my cherished home.

There, ’mid meadows’ grassy sward, 

Dnieper's waters pouring 

May be seen and may be heard, 

Mighty in their roaring.

When from Ukraine waters bear

Rolling to the sea so far

Foeman’s blood, no longer there

Stay I where my ashes are.

Grass and hills I’ll leave and fly.

Unto throne of God I’ll go.

There in heaven to pray on high,

But, till then, no God I know.

Standing then about my grave,

Make ye haste, your fetters tear! 

Sprinkled with the foeman’s blood 

Then shall rise your freedom fair.

Then shall spring a kinship great, 

This a family new and free. 

Sometimes in your glorious state. 

Gently, kindly, speak of me.



Thursday, March 4, 2021

                            Project Work in the 3d Class

                              My Favourite Sandwich

Sunday, February 28, 2021

                              Spring arrives tomorrow!

                              Enjoy your spring mood ))))

Thursday, February 25, 2021

 150 th anniversary of Lesia Ukrainka

Today marks 150 years since the birth of Lesia Ukrainka – an outstanding writer, translator, folklorist, public and cultural figure. 

Lesia Ukrainka is one of the most famous figures in the history of Ukrainian literature. She left behind a great literary heritage: poetry and prose, journalistic articles, translations of world classics.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

       St Valentine's Day With My Students!

Who was Saint Valentine? When did Valentine’s Day start? And how did hearts, flowers, love letters and chocolate candies get associated with this holiday? Valentine's Day Week in our Gymnasium is always a great opportunity to take a closer look at Saint Valentine, the history of Valentine’s Day and to answer all these questions. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

     Groundhog Day

The lowly groundhog, often called a woodchuck, is the only mammal to have a day named in his honour. The groundhog's day is February 2. Granted, it's not a federal holiday; nobody gets off work. But still, to have a day named after you is quite a feat.

How did the groundhog come by this honour?

It stems from the ancient belief that hibernating creatures were able to predict the arrival of springtime by their emergence.

The German immigrants known as Pennsylvania Dutch brought the tradition to America in the 18th century. They had once regarded the badger as the winter-spring barometer. But the job was reassigned to the groundhog after importing their Candlemas traditions to the U.S. Candlemas commemorates the ritual purification of Mary, 40 days after the birth of Jesus. For a time there was famous postcards available that honoured this.

Candlemas is one of the four "cross-quarters" of the year, occurring half way between the first day of winter and the first day of spring. Traditionally, it was believed that if Candlemas was sunny, the remaining six weeks of winter would be stormy and cold. But if it rained or snowed on Candlemas, the rest of the winter would be mild. If an animal "sees its shadow," it must be sunny. 

Besides, spring always arrives on or near March 21, so whether the groundhog decides to return to his den or remain above ground, the sad fact is spring will always have to wait at least six more.

Friday, January 1, 2021

                               HAPPY NEW YEAR!