

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas 
                  and a Happy New Year!

Friday, December 11, 2015

          All-Ukrainian Competition "Teacher of the Year - 2016"
On December 8, All-Ukrainian Competition "Teacher of the Year-2016" (district level) was held at school #6 in Chortkiv. It was carried out in such nominations: "National Defense", "History","Maths" and "English".
This contest  has honoured exellence in classroom education and provided a forum to showcase many outstanding educators whose efforts and example have inspired their students,                               their colleagues, and the communities they serve.  
                   Congratulations to all the participants!     
                You're the BEST!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

   2016 announced to be the Year of English Language in                                               Ukraine

It is planned to establish TV and radio programs of learning English for different categories of Ukrainians.

Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko signed a Decree “On Declaring 2016 the Year of English Language in Ukraine”, as states the media office of the head of the state. The Cabinet of Ministers was instructed to elaborate and approve a complex of measures for 2016 and the following years aimed to intensify English studying in Ukraine.
"It is necessary to develop mutual exchange of pupils and students between educational facilities of Ukraine and foreign states where English is the main language of communication. Ukrainian general education institutions should take active part in the EU program “E-Twinning Plus”. Ukraine should involve foreign professionals and native speakers in teaching English and simplify their entry and stay in Ukraine," according to the statement.
It is planned to establish TV and radio programs of learning English for different categories of people and demonstrate movies in English with Ukrainian subtitles.
Under the Decree, it is necessary to evaluate public servants’ knowledge of English and organize language course for its study.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

                         Happy Thanksgiving !
We never forget to say "Thank you" for good health, warm home, delicious food, loving family, kind teachers and true friends.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

         Greenwich  2015
On Wednesday, 25th November students of Chortkiv Gymnasium participated in the contest for the best knowledge of English!!! 
This year we have got 120 participants and hope to have the same amount of winners. 
Wishing all the contestants good luck and thank you for the participation!    



Thursday, November 19, 2015

On November 21, Ukraine will celebrate the Day of Dignity and Freedom

"Ukraine is the territory of dignity and
 freedom originated from two revolutions – 
our Maidan of 2004, which was the Holiday 
of Freedom, and the Revolution of 2013,
the Revolution of Dignity".

 Petro Poroshenko

Saturday, November 14, 2015

eTwinning Plus Practical Session 
This event took place on 12th November in Kyiv. eTwinning beginners had the opportunity to get acquinted with eTwinning tools and useful sources for everyday lessons and projects.
     Ambasadors from Ukraine Iryna Figol and Nataliia Naiavko shared their experience about the programme and gave advices how to be successful in it. Polish ambasador Barbara Nsir presented her projects and gave a good practice example.
     Participants of the event were grately impressed by its organization and made many new friends. They came back home full of creative ideas to be fulfiled in their schools. At the end of the session all participants were awarded with certificates.
Good luck to all of you!

                                                   To make a pleasant beginning...

We are ready to start

My new eTwinning friends

Working hard

Awarding ceremony

Friday, November 13, 2015

2016 – Рік англійської мови ! Увага, конкурс для учнів !

Видавництво «MM Publications» підтримує ініціативу Міністерства освіти і науки України про оголошення 2016 року Роком англійської мови, і з метою підвищення рівня професійної кваліфікації вчителів та популяризації англійської мови серед учнів оголошує конкурси для учнів. Оголошуються конкурси «Час Української культури» (Ukrainian Culture Time) та «Моя Батьківщина: місце, де я живу/ місце, яке я люблю» (My motherland: the place where I live / the place I love the most) для вчителів та учнів.

Конкурс для учнів: Моя Батьківщина: місце, де я живу / місце, яке я люблю (Додаток 1)

Триватиме з 1 жовтня 2015 р. до 1 лютого 2016р .
Завдання для учнів полягає в написанні твору  “My motherland: the place where I live / the place I love the most”
Учасники конкурсу будуть розділені та оцінені за трьома віковими категоріями:
  •  Молодша школа (1– 4 класи);
  • Середня школа (5 – 8 класи);
  • Старша школа (9– 11 класи).
Переможці конкурсу отримають у подарунок:
  • I місце – 3 екшн-камери
  • II місце – 15 брендових шкільних рюкзаків
  • III місце – 100 книг для читання від видавництва MM Publications.
Роботи прийматимуться з 15 жовтня 2015 року до 1 лютого 2016 року. Конкурсну роботу необхідно надіслати електронною поштою за адресою:
У темі листа необхідно вказати назву конкурсу – «Ukrainian Culture Time»
Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog! It is for creative teachers and students. I truely believe that "Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite thier students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own" (Nikos Kazantzakis). Hope that you'll be able to find something useful and encouraging here!