

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

                                          The Map of Ukraine

Project dedicated to the Independence Day of Ukraine

Congratulations on the Independence Day of Ukraine!

August 24, 1991 - Ukraine's Independence Day - is one of the most important dates in recent European history. Finally, the Ukrainian people realized the original desire to create an independent conciliar democratic Ukrainian state and live freely, sharing common national and European values, caring for the security and well-being of the people, as befits a great European nation.

It is appropriate that in the first year of independence Ukraine announced its intention to join the Council of Europe. It testified to its democratic choice, its desire for reforms aimed at protecting human rights, strengthening democratic institutions and ensuring the rule of law. And this year Ukraine celebrates the 22th anniversary of joining the Council of Europe, which became an essential milestone in the European progress of the independent Ukrainian state and the development of the Council of Europe.

We sincerely congratulate Ukrainians on the main national holiday and wish them peace, happiness, joy and prosperity!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

                                      Language Summer Camp

Going to camp is one of the highlights of many during the holidays. Why not do two things at once by attending a language camp?
A Language Summer Camp is an effective way to improve kid's foreign language skills by learning and applying essential knowledge in a fun and relaxed environment. Outside classes campers participate in a range of activities with their peers. 
A Language Summer Camp is a great place to get fresh ideas, make new friends and fill up on energy for the coming year. Are you about setting up a Language Summer Camp? Here are some ideas for you!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

                                eTwinning Project "Little Homelands"

"Little homelands” is a project in which pupils from primary schools (age 11-13) will get to know each other, present their towns, interesting places and monuments worth seeing in their “little homelands”, schools, hobbies, ways of celebrating Easter holidays. The project will last for three months (from April to June 2016), during which all schools participating in the project will establish mutual relationships and basic forms of cooperation and communication. Hopefully, this will lead to common future projects, more extended in time and complex in content.


The main aim of the project is to establish an international cooperation between pupils from European primary schools and enable them to meet friends from abroad.
Second, to familiarize children with new, practical ways of using communication technology.
Next, to allow them express themselves through various artistic forms: drawing, taking photos, singing, shooting short videos etc.
Finally, to improve children’s linguistic skills and their fluency in using English.

Expected Results

The final product of the whole cooperation will be an electronic photo album with pictures sent from all participating schools.
After these three months of working together, pupils are expected to be more fluent in using the English language and modern technology for communication.
Finally, it is expected that this project will work as a springboard to future, more extended actions or projects with the acquainted schools, or even live meetings of the participants.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

                        eTwinning Project "Easter Postcrossing"

My students like sending postcards to people all over the world, that's why we are looking for someone who admires doing the same. The main idea of our project is to encourage students to communicate in English and organize a simple exchange of cards with warm greetings on Easter! The project is aimed at children aged 10-12 years. You are  more than welcome to join us!


1. Making new friends for the future cooperation on eTwinning platform                                                                                      2. Encouraging students to communicate in English                         3. Developing creative writing skills                                                  4. Exchanging postcards via real mail together with using ICT tools for presenting results of work                                                            5. Getting to know the traditions of celebrating Easter in European countries

Expected Results

1. Establish lasting relationships between students and schools.
2. Willingness to learn about other cultures and deepening knowledge of EU countries.
3. Practice in using ICT tools
4. Form the desire to learn foreign languages


Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Що таке eTwinning Plus?

eTwinning – це навчальна програма Європейської Комісії, започаткована в 2005 р. з метою розвитку співпраці європейських шкіл. Вчителі та учні, зареєстровані в мережі eTwinning, отримують можливість реалізації спільних проектів з іншими європейськими школами.  Ключовою складовою навчання є використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій. Проект eTwinning розширює сферу освітніх можливостей для учнів та вчителів, підвищує мотивацію до навчання та ступінь відкритості до Європи.

eTwinning Plus – це робочий простір програми eTwinning в рамках Східного партнерства Європейського Союзу.

Зараз до eTwinning Plus входять: Україна, Грузія, Республіка Молдова, Вірменія, Азербайджан, Туніс, Ліван та Йорданія. 

Що дає Україні участь у eTwinning Plus?

eTwinning – це потужний стимул для вивчення іноземних мов і покращення рівня використання ІТ-технологій. В рамках програми учні також тренують навички командоутворення та отримують досвід створення спільних проєктів. Окрім цього, вони дізнаються про культуру інших країн Європи та заводять нових друзів.

У свою чергу українські вчителі мають нагоду завести контакти з вчителями інших країн Європи. eTwinning Plus стає для них майданчиком для спілкування та обміну досвідом, корисною інформацією й методиками навчання.

А ще програма eTwinning – це чудова можливість реалізувати креативний підхід у навчанні і нагадати вчителям та учням, що навчатися й навчати – не лише потрібно, але й цікаво!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

                               The English Language Week!


       Day 1. That is how our school and classrooms looked like ) 

Day 2. St. Valentine's Day Postcrossing!

Day 3. Discover English Speaking Countries yourself

Day 4. Film Show

Day 5. Quiz Time

Sunday, February 12, 2017

English Week is Coming!

   Keep Calm and Join                                                                         the English Week!                                                                                13.02.17-17.02.17

 Monday, 13th February
Have fun decorating your classroom in a specific way!
Ø 1st Form Students - Welcome to England!
Ø 2d  Form Students - Welcome to the USA!
Ø 3d Form Students - Welcome to Scotland!
Ø 4th Form Students - Welcome to Canada!
Ø 5th Form Students - Welcome to Wales and Ireland!
Ø 6th Form Students - Welcome to New Zealand!
Ø 7th Form Students - Welcome to Australia!
            Tuesday, 14th February
 St. Valentine's Day Postcrossing!
  Ø Write a postcard to a random person and deliver it to all foreign      countries. Don't forget to send warm wishes to your friends as well! 
     Wednesday, 15th February
Discover English Speaking     Countries yourself!
Ø Draw the pictures
Ø Solve the crosswords
Ø Do the quiz
Ø Find unknown facts 

        Thursday, 16th February
                   Film Show
 Ø Watch a love story and write                                                                            a film review
          Friday, 16th February
Hope You liked the English Week!
Ø  Write a thankful card and say what you enjoyed the most.
        Think English, Speak English!